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Josh Medsker


Horrors in the Museum

Crescent Wrenches


Josh Medsker's work has appeared in many publications, including: GuardianWitness (UK), The Review Review, Red Savina Review, Haiku Journal, and Star*Line Magazine. For more info on Medsker and his work, please visit:



"Nightgaunts" and "Horrors in the Museum" are both part of a book-length work called CACOPHONY. The book-in-progress is a tribute to the album of the same name, by legendary British punk band, Rudimentary Peni. Like the original album, these poems are inspired by the life and works of H.P. Lovecraft. I believe I have stayed true to R.P.'s original vision, while adding my own personal style as well. 


The accompanying art is from my friend, Seattle-based artist Aaron Morgan.



Crakcrakcrakcrak eeeeeeeeeee chachachachacha shwashwashwashwa crakcrakcrakcra...


The chattering begins again,

at the same time every night

breaking into my sleep, cacophonous

and then, I hear whispers, my name

"squeeze out the light"

"blackness without end"

"useless, do not resist".

shadows forming in corners

my guts twist... again.




I know that the night-gaunts conceal

themselves from their sleeping enemies.


I see his silhouette and writhing tail,

ready to tickle me into submission

(chthonic caesura)

and drag me away to the Dreamlands.

I'm following my master's call, funny

feel funny inside,

following my monstrous skull

to that place beyond and down

to that place beneath the hill


I'm following my master's call, funny

feel funny inside,

following my monstrous skull

down the ancient pathways, eyes

follow me, they see what's beyond

the frame.


I'm following my master's call, funny

feel funny inside,

following my monstrous skull

into their open mouths I disappear

into their bodies I climb, and we fly

on leathery wings.


Never buy crescent wrenches;

you'll bust your knuckles.

Always best to get the right tool.


Never half-ass it; good enough

is never good enough.

Your reputation is all you have;

always do the best job you know how.


But what if you did the best you could

and it's not good enough?


Some people, son, if you gave them

a free cup of coffee, would complain

there's not enough milk and sugar.



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