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Jive Talk

We Used to

Helen Mason

Helen C Mason (a child of the 60s) has an irreverent sense of humour and uses it to good effect in her verse. That is not to say that she does not have a serious side and has written many controversial poems on human rights.

Her third collection of very funny poems is available on Amazon.









I’ve tripped the light fantastic

Was a land girl in the war

Made love on golden haystacks

 And jived across the floor


I’ve cycled all round Europe

Kissed French men on the cheeks

Gazed upon the stars at night

And scaled the mountain peaks


I’ve borne four beautiful children

Survived the death of my son

Seen them through their ups and downs

Smiled and cried for every one


I’ve lived and loved; won and lost

Got so many tales to tell

Yet I sit alone, no one will listen

Old age for me is hell

We used to roll about in bed

And end up in a heap

Now we slowly climb the stairs

And only want to sleep


We’d dangle from the chandelier

And writhe upon the floor

Now we doze off on the sofa

And wake up with a snore


We used to use the kitchen table

For other things than cooking

Now we use the microwave

And just respond to pinging


We used to run around stark naked

Our bits and bobs were pert

Now we tuck it all away

And all our bits just hurt

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