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Sally A Hayes
The Bigger Picture
Digital film, 2015


The Bigger Picture is a spoof documentary based on a true story. By dismantling

the traditional narrative structure of story telling within art history, I have

fractured and collaged information to create my story. By using many different

approaches to film making, I have created a playful account of a true story,

seamlessly collaged with fiction, trickery and fact. The backdrop for my own

footage, is my home, on the West Pennine Moors, Lancashire.

The film documents the flight of an American man called Larry Walters. In 1982

Walters filled 46 weather balloons with helium, attached these to a lawn chair,

and took to the skies for a 2 hour journey. This journey took him 16,000 feet

high. The narrative gives the viewer an insight into his preparations from the

actual event.


I have developed this further by using my own footage and archived footage. The

film has been edited with original audio from Walter’s flight and other sounds, combining the real and the unreal into a believable documentary











Sally graduated with a First Class Honours Degree in Fine Art from The University of Bolton, Greater Manchester and has participated in several projects and exhibitions. Sally was overall winner of the Neo-Arts Prize 2015 award. The judges included Amira Gad from London's Serpentine Gallery, and the artist Ian Davenport.

Her work has featured in Aperture, a selected showcase of filmmakers work from Greater Manchester at Media City. She was also chosen to show a selection of her work in a group exhibition in Paderborn, Germany.

Sally recently organised, in collaboration with 2 other artists, an exhibition of work in her own home. This was well attended and enjoyed and will most certainly be repeated this year. Along with family and work, Sally continues to make films, explore photography, paint in oils and generally make and create.


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